With the advent of digital era a lot of marketers forget what the message means.

Some targets can be achieved only by means of the web. New technologies, modern applications, platform, web systems permit to make this. Always more new marketing actions are an integrated mix of tradizional and digital marketing but in almost all of them the relevance of claim has been already forgotten. It’s like this. You can find a right solution in order to connect and join audience but you can’t find much messages to attract people. New digital marketers ignore the basic rules of selling with a great campaign. I am almost sure that a big part of them don’t know the Masters of marketing and advertising. Probably it is time to rethink web advertising and it will be useful to reload some principles of Mr. David Ogilvy, about the way of building a great message. The timeless advices that are still valid for new advertisers are the following:

  1. What you say is more important that how you say it.
  2. Unless your campaign is build around a great idea, it will flop.
  3. Give the facts.
  4. You cannot bore people into buying.
  5. Be Well-mannered but don’t clown.
  6. Make your advertising contemporary.
  7. Committees can criticise advertisements but they cannot write them.
  8. If you are lucky enough to write a good advertisement, repeat it until it stops pulling.
  9. Never write an advertisement which you wouldn’t want your own family to read.
  10. The image and the brand.
  11. Don’t be a copy-cat.

(source: D.Ogilvy-Confessions of an Advertising Man)

Making a reflection of Ogilvy’s words may be a good idea. What do you think?


Luca Scrimieri

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